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Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle

Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is focused on adult education and acquisition of knowledge. He theorized that there are four stages of learning, which occur in a cycle:

  • Concrete experience, involving an active involvement in the process

  • Reflective observation, taking time from the "doing" to have discussions with peers and reflect 

  • Abstract conceptualization, making comparisons between what has been done, what has been discussed, and what they already know, either learned in class or from previous knowledge

  • Active experimentation, trying out new learning through first planning, then implementing

After this, the learner returns to concrete experience, and the cycle of learning continues from there.

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Some example activities for each stage of Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle. This and the explanation of the cycle above from David Kolb's page on the University of Leicester website:

Kolb Lesson Plan.png
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